Filter Papers – Vertaflow


Vertaflow Filter Papers are suitable for the stainless steel Vertaflow system.

This packet of filter papers consists of two different thickness filter papers.

The stacking of the filters is as follows: One thicker filter paper is designed to be used in the top, followed by the grill, followed by one thin filter paper and then the rubber ring. Carbon is filled in this space between. Then the rubber ring is placed on the bottom, followed by two thin filter papers, followed by the grill.

SKU: 001125 Category:

Vertaflow Filter Papers are suitable for the stainless steel Vertaflow system.

This packet of filter papers consists of two different thickness filter papers.

The stacking of the filters is as follows: One thicker filter paper is designed to be used in the top, followed by the grill, followed by one thin filter paper and then the rubber ring. Carbon is filled in this space between. Then the rubber ring is placed on the bottom, followed by two thin filter papers, followed by the grill.

Weight 0.01 kg
Dimensions 3.5 × 0.05 × 3.5 cm


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