Vodka Distillers Yeast – Alcotec


Alcotec Vodka Turbo Yeast is based on a very pure fermenting yeast strain and contains the necessary GA (gluco amylase) enzyme to break down dextrins left from use of grains, rice etc.

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Alcotec Vodka Turbo Yeast is based on a very pure fermenting yeast strain and contains the necessary GA (gluco amylase) enzyme to break down dextrins left from use of grains, rice etc. If you use this for pure sugar/water washes, it will work just as well but you don’t actually use the enzyme. This turbo is similar to Alcotec VodkaStar but the main difference is that the Alcotec Vodka Turbo is a bit faster and contains enzyme. Note that for grain based recipes, you will also need another enzyme treatment before fermentation to break down starch components. That is best done with Alcotec Alpha Amylase Enzyme.

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 13 × 1 × 16 cm
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