500g Activated Carbon


When Soaking 40% Spirit on carbon, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Run the wash/mash through the still and break down the spirit to 40%
  2. Place 20 grams of activated carbon per litre of spirit and stir.
  3. Stir each day for the next two days.
  4. On the third day add another 10 grams of activated carbon per litre of spirit and stir.
  5. Stir each day for the next two days.
  6. Leave carbon in the spirit and allow it to settle for a further two days, and then filter.
SKU: 000360 Category: Tags: , ,

When Soaking 40% Spirit on carbon, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Run the wash/mash through the still and break down the spirit to 40%
  2. Place 20 grams of activated carbon per litre of spirit and stir.
  3. Stir each day for the next two days.
  4. On the third day add another 10 grams of activated carbon per litre of spirit and stir.
  5. Stir each day for the next two days.
  6. Leave carbon in the spirit and allow it to settle for a further two days, and then filter.
Weight 0.51 kg
Dimensions 16 × 7 × 12 cm


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